
Monday, January 5, 2015

Cover Reveal - Adapted for Film by Stacey Rourke

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Adapted for Film by Stacey Rourke
Audience: General/adult  / Genre: Romantic comedy / Formats: E-book and Paperback  /Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing  / Cover by: Najla Qamber Designs  / Expected Date of Publishing: March 9. 2015
Aubrey Evans is living every author’s dream; her sizzling romance novel is being turned into a blockbuster film. She would be celebrating this momentous event, if she wasn’t busy fighting over every tiny production detail with the maddeningly cavalier director, Kole Camden. When news of their heated rivalry hits the gossip columns, drastic measures must be taken to save their sinking project. In an elaborate PR hoax, she is publicly linked to Greyson Meyers, the swoon-worthy star of her movie. A whirl-wind love affair is staged for the couple to mirror the steamy chapters of her own books. Can the introverted author resist the charms of Hollywood’s sexiest leading man? Or will love find her in the City of Angels?
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about the author
authorgifRONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012 Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013 Stacey Rourke is the author of the award winning YA Gryphon Series as well as the chillingly suspenseful Legends Saga. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head.
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