Title: Hue
Series: Archaic #2
By: Regan Ure
Publication Date: June 25, 2016
Genre: YA Fantasy
Cover Design: Mayhem Cover Creations
You know her name. You know her story. You know her secret.
She isn't like any other girl, not anymore. Jared Walker complicated everything; he told her his secret, stole her heart and showed her a whole new world. She knew then that she'd never be the same again.
Ava Delaney is no longer human - she doesn't know what she is. She should probably figure it out. But there is much more important stuff that she needs to learn first: how to keep her new secret, how to fight and most importantly... how to survive a war that's older than time.
She's not like any other girl, not anymore.
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Archaic Series #1
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Regan is a South African who is married to an IT specialist. She is also mom to a daughter and son. She discovered the joy of writing at the tender age of twelve. Her first two novels were teen fiction romance. She then got sidetracked into the world of computer programming and travelled extensively visiting twenty-seven countries.
A few years ago after her son’s birth she stayed home and took another trip into the world of writing. After writing nine stories on a free writing website, winning an award and becoming a featured writer the next step was to publish her stories.
If she isn’t writing her next novel you will find her reading soppy romance novels, shopping like an adrenaline junkie or watching too much television.
Social Media Links
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Regan-Ure-760780643959200/?ref=hl
Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13718899.Regan_Ure
Twitter - @ReganUre
Website - http://www.reganure.com
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/reganure/

4 Stars
Ava moved in with her grandmother after her dad accepted a Professor position overseas and she could have either gone with them or finish her senior year in the small-town her grandmother lives in.
She's always been the quiet and shy type but she quickly finds a couple of friends and things seem to be going good for her, until she sees Him.
Jared is supermodel gorgeous and the bad part is he knows it.
After Ava sees something she wasn't meant to she quickly realizes there's more to him than meets the eye and things go from normal to crazy inside of a few days and she knows her life will never be the same again.
Ava is one to figure things out on her own trusting others is difficult for her at times but when a situation is beyond her control she knows when it's time to finally ask for help.
Ava surprise me by her ability to adapt and I thoroughly enjoyed that about her.
Jared is a bit more complicated at the beginning but once you figure him out he's such a sweetie.
The story takes you into an interesting new world with a paranormal type aspect you might not have seen coming and with those twists and turns it keeps you wanting to find out what will happen next!
4 Stars
Warning review may contain spoilers if you have not read book 1, Archaic!
We start up right where we left off at the end of the last book. Ava is now becoming something totally different but the differences still keep them guessing as to what exactly that is. Mason seems to have found new ways to torture her and it makes things even more difficult.
As Ava adjusts to her new way of life she has to hide a part of who she has become and it forces her to keep more and more secrets from those she cares about that are not Archaic.
Jared is still a sweetie most of the time but near the ending there was more than one occasion when I wanted to slap him upside the head.
Being forced into so many changes in such a short time Ava is doing remarkably well although she still has her moments where it is overwhelming. She is forced to make decisions that are for the best for others but they may not make for themselves and it puts a strain on some of her relationships.
My only disappointment with this one was that it felt like the whole story was leading up to something and then it ended with another cliffhanger for the next book. I would have liked to have seen just a little bit more to the story line and although what was there definitely kept me interested I was disappointed that there wasn't more to it this time. I am interested to see what happens in the continuation to the series!
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