The Prince's EX
by Nadene Seiters
Amelia Radley thought she had it all when she met a man in a bar and he ended up being royalty. Their love affair was anything but boring, and yet he dumped her almost exactly a year after asking her out to their first dinner date. While the wound was deep and fresh thirty days after their separation, she picked up the morning paper only to see that the man she thought she loved had already become engaged to another woman.
Her best friend, Tina, suggests the only thing she knows would make her feel better. Amelia should start dating any man she meets that she likes so that she can get over her ex. The idea is ludicrous, and yet Amelia agrees to a date with a man she has never met before. All the while, she considers herself nothing more than the prince’s ex, a woman who could not hold the affections of every woman’s dream.
When she finds love in an unexpected place, it’s challenged by the past and the future looks rocky. Amelia’s insecurities might get in the way of her finding true love, in more ways than one.
4 Stars
Amelia dated Royalty...a prince for exactly one year before she was dumped and left heartbroken. One month later he was engaged to someone and she got that bit of information from the tabloids...
Amelia's BF Tina loved the single life...she enjoyed the freedom and had no problem sharing the details of her conquests. Loud and clear in the local coffee shop that they would meet at for their daily coffee. Tina refuses to allow her BF to mope and waste aware after being dumped.
Okay I just want to say one thing...A thong and whip. OMG that vision is hysterical. I will say no more because I do not want to ruin anything.
Going through with a couple dates Amelia began to learn more about what she wanted and she was determined to changes some things...starting with the job she has grown to hate.
Peter the Barista...he was such a sweetie and I instantly loved him. He was so easy to like.
Sometimes the most obvious things are right in front of us but we look right over them in search of something else...not knowing it was there all along.
Nadene Seiters has been on Amazon’s Top 100 Sellers List with seven of her ten books since the beginning of her career in February of 2013. She’s proud to be an independent publisher and encourages others to follow their dreams, whether it seems conventional or not.
As of late, she lives with a clowder of cats, two dogs, and a few caged animals. Her passions include reading, writing, caring for her furry and feathery pets, and cooking. You can find and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ by searching for ‘Nadene Seiters’.
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