After years of being prohibited to see each other on the Earth plane, the ban is finally lifted. Jayna and Ethan are trying to make a life for themselves like an ordinary couple. The family has to come to terms with the loss of Grandmother Evelyn. New people pop on the scene to join their circle. The Shadow woman is licking her wounds and making plans. Jayna and her clan will pay for what they did to her.
4.5 Stars
Jayna and Ethan are finally together in the physical plain and now it's finally time for them to truly start living their lives together. With the exciting news her grandmother gave her their lives are rapidly changing, but it's all for the best and they are moving forward even while the threat of the shadow woman still looms.
Happiness all around for everyone in this novel even though Evelyn is gone in the physical since she is still there for her family in many ways doing what she can.
Jayna and Ethan are still very much in the story but it also shows all the other characters we've come to love as well as introducing us to some new ones as well. I love seeing how everyone is getting along with their lives while doing everything they can for the greater good.
There is still plenty of trouble for the shadow woman to cause and things are definitely kept interesting where she is involved! Can't wait to see the next book in this series!
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