
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Witch, the Wolf and the Vampire series by A.K. Michaels

The Witch, the Wolf and the VampireThe Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire 
by A K Michaels

Title:                                     The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire
Author:                                A.K. Michaels
Series:                                  The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire
Genre:                                  Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Publisher:                           Self Published
Release Date:                    Dec 2013
Editions/Formats:          eBook & Print


Peri has been running since she was fifteen – using her magic to stay safe. 'They' can track her magic tho, so she has to use it sparingly. In Vegas, for a cash in hand job, and things turn nasty! She knows the amount of magic she would have to use to escape unscathed would bring 'them' right to her.

Before she can use the vast magic required two males appear and aid her. One a wolf, one an ancient vampire.

Josef, the vampire, and Gabe, the wolf, are more than a little interested in this skinny girl. What ensues shocks both of the strong males – this girl is more than a stray, more than a witch – it looks like she is a mate – for both of them!?

Will Peri stay? Will they keep her safe? Who, if any, of the two will she choose? Just how much power does this stripling of a girl have locked inside her?
This Book Contains Adult Content!

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Josef poured a large measure of his best whisky and gave it to Ronan, as he moved past to sit on his own chair. He kept his eyes on his young Vampire, well, young compared to him. Ronan was over three hundred years old, a baby compared to Josef.
“So guys, I was in the area...”
Gabe snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m sure your office is in Denver, or thereabouts.”
“Okay, you got me, I was...intrigued...yes that’s the word, intrigued by what happened in San Francisco, and the information that you had a mate – to both of you. That was something I just had to see for myself, a mate to both a Vampire and a Wolf? Now I see you sitting here with the lovely Peri on your lap. Well, I have to say Wolf, I’ve never seen you looking happier, and you are the most beautiful Witch I've ever come across.” Ronan ended with a wide smile, his gaze still locked on the female on Gabe’s knee.
Gabe did something that none of them expected...he growled, low, deep down in his throat and gave a feral snarl to go along with the growl.
Peri looked up into his face, saw the beast inside attempting to get out, and the struggle her Wolf was having. She placed one of her hands on the side of his face, caressing it softly, trying to calm his beast.


Peri’s body continued to go through spasms, and it was many minutes before they began to ease. She had all but lost consciousness, and as she came to, she realized she was cold, very cold.
“Cover,” she croaked. Josef had already been reaching for the comforter, as he had sensed her coldness. He tucked it around her and watched as she laid her head on Gabe’s chest and closed her eyes.
She was overwhelmingly tired, and as her body began to warm from the thick cover over her, she closed her eyes and let sleep take her.
As soon as she was sound asleep, Josef got up and started pacing the room, back and forward, back and forward, trying to ease the pain that was deep inside him. Allowing Peri to melt the ice around his heart had given him great joy, however, it now had him filled with despair and concern. Two emotions he had not encountered since he was human.


Peri has done what she can to protect herself since she ran away from the horror that was her home life. Now at 21 she's barely getting by and working as a bounty hunter off the books doesn't give her much by ways of money. When she gets into a tight spot two men come to help her, well their not quite men but still.

Josef and Gabe can't figure out why they so desperately want to help this under fed young woman right away, but once they figure it out they know they do anything to help her. Even from a past more horrifying than they could have possibly imagined.

Peri in many ways is younger than her 21 years. Because of circumstances she's stunted in her knowledge of many things. But while she may not know everything she should she does know how to trust her heart. Her naivety a times was a bit much but as the story unfolded you saw her come out of her shell and enjoy experiencing life.

Josef might seem cold at first you when you read from his perspective you see just how deeply he really feels.

Gabe is fun and goofy and he brings a lightness at times when the story got too intense.

I love both the guys and their ways, but did at times wish to know more of their back stories. Even something as simple as how old Josef really is.

The paranormal aspect is interesting keeping you on your feet wondering about the who, what, when, where, why and how's of it all. Great start to this series.

The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire, Book 2
The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire, Book 2
by A K Michaels

Title:                                     The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Book 2
Author:                                A.K. Michaels
Series:                                  The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire (#2)
Genre:                                  Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Publisher:                           Self Published
Release Date:                    April 2014

Editions/Formats:          eBook & Print


Peri has finally stopped running and found safety with Gabe and Josef... her Wolf and her Vampire. Now she is getting strong, physically and magically, and she is ecstatic with her two mates. She is not about to let anyone take that away and she surprises even herself with her power.
However a psycho sect has been hunting her for over six years and they are closing in. Her own father is the leader of the sect, but she is more than willing to do whatever she can to take him down. Destroy him for everything he is, everything he does, before he does to others what he did to her.
With an ancient Vampire and a powerful Wolf by her side she just can't fail ... can she?

Book Links:


Gabe looked at his friend and gave a lopsided grin. “What do you think, Jo, want to help a lady in distress?”
Josef sighed. “This is a new suit, Gabe, do you know how much it cost?” Josef was fingering the material of his made-to-measure suit and frowning.
Gabe laughed. “Come on, live a little!” Gabe chuckled and took off towards the girl, pulling to a stop behind her. She must’ve heard him because her head swung around, and he could see the worry in her eyes, eyes that he almost fell into. Shit, she was gorgeous.
“No need to worry, thought you could do with a hand,” Gabe said, a cheeky grin on his face.
Josef appeared next to him and stared at the men in front. Shit, he was probably going to work up a sweat. His new silk shirt would be ruined.


“Josef, are you okay?” Gabe asked quietly. Seeing the Vampire like this kinda scared him.
Josef whirled around, his ice-blue eyes as cold as Gabe had ever seen them. Gabe had seen those eyes, when Josef did some terrible things. Things that neither of them spoke of.
“No, indeed I am not, Gabriel!” Josef was talking quickly and Gabe was shocked. Firstly at his use of his full name, and secondly by the emotion that he clearly heard in Josef’s voice.
“She’s running, Gabe, has been for years. Whoever did that to her, they’re the ones after her, and I aim to find out who they are and make them pay. Did you see those scars Gabe? Did you?!” Josef’s voice had risen and bloody hell, he was downright fucking scary.
“Yes, Josef, I did. They’re old scars, she must’ve got them as a kid, Jo, a kid. Someone did that to a fucking kid!”
Gabe’s own voice was low and cold, and at his own use of Josef’s shortened name, the Vampire looked at him. He could see and feel the anger rolling off the Wolf. He was pretty sure Gabe could see and feel the same anger rolling from him. His body thrummed with it. He wanted to find these folks and fast.
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He never lost control. “Okay, so I think I’ll stay out here tonight. I don’t want our little Peri trying to fly the coop. She may think that’s her only option, but we need to make sure she knows that it is not.”
Gabe nodded at Josef’s words. The same thing had been going through his mind. “I’ll keep you company, for a bit.”
The Wolf moved to one of the sofas and lay down, stretching out full length and staring at the ceiling. Whoever had done that, if they found them, shit, they were going to get hurt. Real bad. And Gabe would enjoy doing it.


Peri was dealt a great blow with the loss of the first person to have ever truly cared for her. Now armed with her men she knows she will finally learn what she needs in order to take on her father.

In this one we already know some of her world, but now get to see it on an even deeper level. While the first book had some action this times it's Peri getting really down and dirty and learning all of what there is to her powers.

She has come into herself quite a bit and isn't quite so naive about things like she was in the first book.

We see more from Josef and Gabe being themselves, while also learning how to be with their mate. 

I loved the action in this one and seeing Peri grow more and learning more about herself was great!

Witch, the Wolf and the Vampire, Book 3

The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Book 3
by A K Michaels


Peri has finally defeated her own father, the psycho leader of a sect that has plagued her since childhood. Now she looks forward to a life she never thought she'd have, in love with both Josef and Gabe.  As the three of them prepare for their future , they become involved in helping their friends Kyle and Sabrina go on the run, tracking down a kidnapped child and advising the supernatural cop Ronan.

It's an exciting life for Peri, being the mate of a Vampire and a Wolf!  Unknown to them, the magical sect has gained a new leader. Even more vicious than her father, its only a matter of time before this maniac rips apart Peri, Josef and Gabe's world... 

Book Links:


His smile was almost feral as he turned towards the corner of the room. The younger sister of the previous girl he had used was now curled into a tight ball, useless tears streaming down her perfect face. Her baby-blue eyes widened in panic as he watched her closely...she obviously knew she was in for some more of his loving!
“Come here now!” he snarled. The girl shook her head from side to side, whether in denial of his command, or at the thought of what was to come, he wasn’t sure.
He raised an arm and stretched it out towards her, words spilling from his mouth almost silently. His eyes narrowed as he watched the pain hit, and her scream was torn from her throat, as he knew her head would feel as if it was about to explode. Her hands flew up to either side of her head, as if she could halt the excruciating pain that now engulfed it. How pathetic...she should’ve learned by now that nobody could stop him.


“I see, so I assume I’m in danger...again?” Her voice was oddly calm as she spoke and she wasn’t sure who that surprised more, the men sitting at the table or her.
Josef agreed. “We have to assume that, anything else would be folly, so we’ll have to make sure you’re safe. We will work together, hopefully Ronan or my own investigations will find this person and the threat will be eliminated. We will keep you safe, little Witch.”
Gabe piped up. “You’re damn right! I’ve had just about enough of this fucking sect! If I get the chance, the guy is going down...and not getting back up. Don’t you worry, baby, don’t you worry at all.” Gabe was smiling, a huge smile, but she saw the worry in his eyes.
“This is!” she spat out and Gabe laughed, a full-on belly laugh. She frowned, wondering what he found so funny.
“Here, have some juice.” Josef poured her some more OJ as they both stared at Gabe.
“That’s priceless, irritating, you must be rubbing off on her, Jo! It’s irritating – not this is fucked up or I’m furious, angry, raging. Nope, she says she’s irritated. That is so one of your words.” Gabe snickered again, pointing at Josef.
Just like that the tension was broken, Peri laughing, too, throwing a punch in her Wolf’s direction.

4.5 Stars

And the end of the last book we saw Peri use her powers against her father and the threat he posed, but also caught a glimpse of a new threat that would likely make an appearance. We also get the answer we were waiting on about the possible bun in the oven.

Peri has made great strides throughout the series in learning to trust in her mates and that they will always be there to protect her. She's also learned allot about her magic and how to truly work with it and control it.

At times you wonder just what else could possibly happen that you don't expect, and then BAM something totally crazy happens leaving you gasping at what just happened. I enjoyed the progression throughout this series of Peri as she came into herself, and how the story unfolded.

I loved all the characters and the spin-off series are definitely going on my tbr!


A K Michaels was born in Scotland quite a number of years ago! She was married at a young age and is a mother to three much loved children. After the birth of her last child she went back to higher education and studied for a year before gaining employment in the banking industry. She worked in that role for a number of years before leaving, both the job and the country.
She lived abroad for a few years before returning to Scotland and finally taking up her dream - writing.
She is the author of the Defender's Blood series of books and two other series, The Witch, The Wolf and the Vampire and also Sabrina's Vampire, together with a Wolf Erotica Novella, Lori's Wolf. Her books fall into the Paranormal/Urban Fantasy genre and she loves writing those particular kinds of stories where she can let her imagination run wild!
She now spends her time reading - everything from Sci Fi to Crime, Erotica to Fantasy, Thrillers to Paranormal Romance. She loves spending time with her family and, of course, writing!
She has Twitter and Facebook page where she loves to chat to readers.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for reading about Josef, Peri and Gabe and I'm so happy you enjoyed it! x
